
Working Papers

Journalist ideology and the production of news: Evidence from movers

with Jacob Conway

Last Updated: December 2022

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Taxing dissent: The impact of a social media tax in Uganda

with Zachary Steinert-Threlkeld

World Development. October 2022.

Press: Economist

Cross-country trends in affective polarization 

with Matthew Gentzkow and Jesse M. Shapiro

Review of Economics and Statistics. Accepted.

Data: Polarization measures

Press: New York Times (x2, x3), Vox, Economist, Science, The Verge, NBER Digest, FactCheck.Org, FiveThirtyEight, The Atlantic

Affective polarization did not increase during the coronavirus pandemic

with Jacob Conway, James N. Druckman, and Matthew Gentzkow

Quarterly Journal of Political Science. October 2022.

Replication Archive

Slanted images: Measuring nonverbal media bias during the 2016 election 

Political Science Research and Methods. Conditionally Accepted.

Polarization and public health: Partisan differences in social distancing during the coronavirus pandemic

with Hunt Allcott, Jacob Conway, Matthew Gentzkow, Michael Thaler, and David Yang 

Journal of Public Economics. November 2020.

SSRN Version, Replication Archive

Press: CNN, New York Times, Wired, Mother Jones, Reuters, LA Times, FiveThirtyEight, USA Today, Newsweek

Demographic change and political polarization in the United States

Economics Letters, July 2020.

Working Paper Version; Working Paper Version with SD Changes in Polarization

Droughts, conflict, and the African slave trade

Journal of Comparative Economics, December 2019.

Replication Archive; Rainfall Data

A note on internet use and the 2016 U.S. presidential election outcome

with Matthew Gentzkow and Jesse M. Shapiro

PLOS One, July 2018.

Working Paper Version, Replication Files

Press: Slate

Greater internet use is not associated with faster growth in political polarization among US demographic groups 

with Matthew Gentzkow and Jesse M. Shapiro

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, October 2017. 

Working Paper Version, Data for Polarization Measures

Press: New York Times, Economist, Vox, Science, Forbes, Washington Post, Slate, Quartz, Esquire, U.S. News, Vice, JSTOR Daily

Other Publications

Bias in news coverage during the 2016 US election: New evidence from images, October 2021.

Drivers of US political polarisation: Three stylised facts and their implications, August 2021. 

The pandemic actually helped bring Americans together – briefly

with Jacob Conway, James N. Druckman, and Matthew Gentzkow

The Washington Post, Monkey Cage, August 2021.

Is media driving Americans apart?

with Matthew Gentzkow and Jesse M. Shapiro

The New York Times, December 2017.

The internet, political polarization, and the 2016 election

with Matthew Gentzkow and Jesse M. Shapiro

Research Briefs in Economic Policy No 88, Cato Institute, November 2017.

The internet, social media, and political polarisation, October 2017. 

K-fold cross-validation and the gravity model of bilateral trade

Atlantic Economic Journal, June 2015. Best Undergraduate Paper Award.

Non-working Papers

What explains temporal and geographic variation in the early US coronavirus pandemic?

with Hunt Allcott, Jacob Conway, Billy Ferguson, Matthew Gentzkow, and Benny Goldman 

Press: Vox

Last updated: November 2020

The slave trade and conflict in Africa, 1400-2000

with John T. Dalton and Tin Cheuk Leung

Last updated: June 2019


The internet, political polarization, and the 2016 election

Keynote talk, UPenn's Warren Center for Network and Data Science

Viral Deception, Polarization and Networks Workshop, November 2018.